The School Principal is Mrs Kristina Haigh.
In 2018 the school has two classes:
Prep / Year 1/ Year 2 / Year 3Mrs Emma Deem
We have a fantastic student/adult ratio providing very personalised support for each and every student.
Year 4 / 5 / 6 Mrs Kristina Haigh with support from Ms Kerry Linton.
In addition to the class teachers, a number of specialist teachers service the school:
Classroom Music, Library - Ms Kerry Linton.
Instrumental Music - Mrs Anita Berry.
Instrumental Music (Brass, woodwind and percussion) - Mr Guy Knopke
LOTE support (Japanese) - Cairns School of Distance Education
Physical Education/Health - Mr Rossi & Ms Hoger
Science - Mr Allan Thomas
Students with Disabilities Support Teacher - Ms Tracy O'Driscoll
Guidance Officer - Ms Kathleen Lizzio
Chaplain: Rose Spann.
The teaching staff are well supported by the following ancillary staff:
- Administration Officer - Mrs Kristine Pierantozzi.
- Teacher Aides - Mrs Lori Baker, Ms Kama Paewai, Mrs Melissa Meaney.
- Hygiene Technician: Mrs Judy Burgess.
- Groundsman: Mr Geoff Cooke.